
Here's a little about me.

I am currently a junior at St. Olaf College majoring in Computer Science and Math. At school, I work as a teaching assistant and grader for the Computer Science department. Before college, I worked as a cashier at the Riverview Theater and as a carpenter for Quartersawn Design Build in Minneapolis. I spent this past summer working as a Software Engineering Intern at Optum, during which I had the opportunity to take part in the design and implementation of a new testing framework for a blue chip product. Since my entrance into the exciting world of software development, I have been committed to writing smart, sustainable code and hope to find a career doing what I love to do!


Here's some of the stuff I've worked on.


I am currently working on a team at St. Olaf College developing high performance web applications for various departments on campus.

Check it out!

All About Olaf

I contribute to the open source app All About Olaf, a popular campus aide for St. Olaf students. It is written in React Native and is available for both iOS and android.

Check it out!

This website!

I built this website using bootstrap and JQuery.